Art journal page 7: View from a canoe

I’m happy to report that I’m keeping up with at least one of my New Year’s Resolutions: the one about keeping an art journal. We’re three weeks in to the new year, and I’ve managed to create, on average, a page about every three days.

This one is based on a screenshot I took from a video I watched on YouTube. I recently saw a video on my YouTube feed by a wood carver named Doug Linker. He lives in Canada, is a real outdoorsy kind of guy, and carves little people in wood (I made one of my own based on one of his videos–that will have to be the topic of another blog).

In this video, Doug is in a canoe and headed to a place he heard about to fish. I haven’t paddled a canoe or fished in a long time, but I enjoyed watching this (and others of his) video. I like his down-to-earth narration, and the scenery is beautiful.

Again, I’ve used watercolors for this picture. I really am getting more comfortable with them. I’m not saying that I’m good at them, or that I’m creating works of art, but it really is pretty satisfying to take an image of something that I find interesting and be able to re-create it in my little journal.

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